Life at 30

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Studying again

Picture this, you just turned 30 and suddenly you get the urge of going back to uni.

I swore off university when I graduated for the first time. It’s probably a very dramatic way of saying I was tired of being a dedicated student and just wanted to earn some money and live the life of a poor young adult who could go buy a discounted musical ticket every so often.

Funny side story, I have graduated three times but only gone to one graduation. It all started with a tiny virus in a bat and the world went craaaazy about toilet paper. Cue my very attractive picture below:

Christmas 2020

Okay, now you’ve got that picture? Let’s add to it, say you are planning on studying literature – which i am, but you’re a…meteorologist, accountant, “insert your profession” (unless it’s related to literature, otherwise the comparison doesn’t make sense). Some would say it’s a third life crisis – okay I just made that one up.

Others (me) would say (think) it’s hobby studying. Is there such a thing?

I’m a scientist by trade, not like Einstein, Curie, burn your hair thinking one but scientist whatsoever. I have studied a bachelor’s, licentiate (Latin American thing, I’m sure ChatGPT can enlighten you) and a Master’s in science. Yes, my mom is super proud! But to be perfectly honest, when you’re 18 and forced to choose a subject, you barely know your mind. Yes I liked science and have always been curious but was I meant to be a scientist? Maybe.

Actual graduation, with like more people and all.

I’ve also always been a bookworm – okay always is exaggerating, potentially since I’m 9 years old. I’ve also been good enough in English for most of my life,  I’m comfortable enough saying I’m fluent now (forgot to say, my native language is Spanish).

Okay so back to the situation, I’ve recently relocated to Switzerland from the United Kingdom but I want to pursue a degree in a remote learning university in the United Kingdom. Funny right? Thing is, I’m now financially capable to paying for the degree – nope, this was not possible when I was local, British cost of living and so on – Brexit was/is.. well you know…

So, now I have applied to this course, I’ve also been waiting for a while to hear back so who knows? Do you think it’s crazy?

What am I planning to do with the degree (if I finish), I hear you ask (hi mom). Nothing really, I’m honestly interested in the study plan which I can say did not happen very often (cue millennial slang) “back in the day”.

Anyways, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll start French lessons… or… there’s always a gym membership out there waiting for me to not use.

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